It’s important to know Google Ad Grants’ requirements perfectly, since they can temporarily deactivate your account in case of any violation and even permanently cancel it in case of repeated or serious violations.
You should carefully read the Ad Grants Policy Compliance Guide, but here are the key requirements and some best-practice recommendations:
Minimum requirement | Recommendation |
Avoid 1-term keywords | Find synonyms and variants + set broad match |
Avoid generic keywords | Avoid generic keywords unless they bring many conversions |
Quality Score of 3 or more | Set up an automated rule to pause keywords with low QS |
Average CTR greater than 5% | Improve ads + Negative keywords + Brand Campaign |
Well configured conversions | Spend a lot of time on this (very important for success) |
2 ads per group | Always 3-4 active ads and continuously testing new ones |
2 groups per campaign | Many small ad groups (10 keywords maximum per group) |
2 ad extensions | Try many different extensions of different types |
Another useful resource is the Ad Grants Account Review Dashboard. It will allow you to assess at a glance if your account is complying with the fundamental policies and detect some opportunities for improvement.