Learn how to use Google Ad Grants properly in 2 hours

Stop wasting the $10,000/month budget. Improve your results in a few hours and without spending $$$ on consultants.


100% practical course

  • Dozens of tips to create better ad campaigns. Learn all the key elements in a couple of hours. Get great results in less than 1 week.
  • More results and less work. DSA, AI and other tools to improve results and save time at the same time.
  • Solutions to common problems and mistakes that make many organizations waste time and money.
  • Recommended tools to increase conversions, automate repetitive tasks, measure and share results...

BONUS #1: Campaigns template

  • +500 keywords for nonprofit campaigns, divided by topic and easily customizable for your organization.
  • +30 examples of landing pages from other organizations, with good ideas to increase conversions.
  • Ads section to write and share them with your team easily. It also warns you if you go over the character limit.

BONUS #2: 3 dashboards

  • Complete dashboard: Key metrics and detailed tables to detect important changes, new opportunities, etc.
  • Summary dashboard: Designed for quick reviews and sharing results with your colleagues, board, etc.
  • Alerts dashboard: Helps detect possible configuration mistakes and new improvement opportunities.

Goole Ad Grants online course
Checklist (step-by-step summary)
Solutions to common problems
Campaigns template (+500 keywords)
3 dashboards (Google Looker Studio)
+100 ideas and examples for ads and landings

Special launch price:
45€50% discount

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Course created by Miguel Ángel García
Consultant specialist in Google Ad Grants
+40 Ad Grants accounts managed and optimized
+12 years of experience in Online Marketing

Frequent questions

What makes this course different to other courses or guides?

It's designed to help you achieve great results, in the easiest and fastest way possible.

It's 100% practical: A step-by-step guide on how to create and maintain good campaigns.

It's a short course, because we know that your time is very valuable. We've made a great effort to condense many useful tips into a brief & efficient format.

You can read the entire thing in less than 2 hours and start seeing results in less than 1 week.

In addition, we give you templates and examples to make it even faster and easier for you to launch good campaigns.

What will you learn?

Google Ads is a complex platform, with hundreds of options and possible strategies. In this course we teach you only what you really need to achieve great results (better than 95% of organizations that use Ad Grants) and with minimal effort (less than 2 hours per month).

Among many other things, you will learn to:

  • Choose the right strategies and topics for Ad Grants (which are not the ones applied by most nonprofit organizations or those used in “normal” Google Ads accounts)
  • Configure the key elements correctly (campaign structure, bids, budgets, ads...) and avoid common mistakes that limit results a lot.
  • Take advantage of Artificial Intelligence to get dozens of useful ideas in a few minutes (not just for ads, but also keywords, landing pages, etc.).
  • Save time and improve results with some great automation features (e.g. DSA, rules...) and avoid others that can harm you (e.g. automated sitelinks).

You can see more details in the Course Summary .

What format does the course have?

It's 100% text and images (+ some tools and templates).

We think it's better than a video course, because it allows you to check the information in less time (it's much faster to read than to watch a video) and it's easier to keep everything always updated (we don't have to recreate entire videos from scratch every time we want to update or improve something).

You will have immediate access to the course after making the payment and you will be able to access it for at least 6 months.

Please, do not share your access with anyone (not even within your organization, the normal price is for individual access, if you want several accesses we can give you a group price). Your access will be terminated if we see suspicious activity.

Who created the course?

Miguel Angel García, you can check my profile/CV on Linkedin.

Online Marketing Consultant for more than 12 years. Specialized in Google Ad Grants for more than 4 years.

The first version of this course was launched in June 2024 and we will update it whenever there are relevant changes (new Ad Grants requirements, new Google Ads features, new tactics or tools, etc.).

What happens if I don't like the course?

We'll refund your money, no problem.

The only thing we ask is that you tell us what exactly you didn't like, so we can try to improve that in the future.

To prevent abuse, we only accept refund requests within the first 15 days after purchasing the course.

What if I have more questions or need other services?

Contact us and let's talk 🙂

We also offer other services for Google Ad Grants (campaign management, audits...). If you want, explain your needs to us and we will see how we can help you.

We recommend an audit of your campaigns after completing the course (we give you personalized recommendations and usually find some improvement opportunities).